About Us

Who Are We?

We are a small team with over 35-years combined experience in selling and marketing various products to numerous healthcare disciplines. During our journey we have discovered drug-free products that have the potential to enhance the body's natural healing processes. We would like to present these Wellness Options, Just for You.

Simple and Affordable Relief

We live in a fast-paced and stressful world. Many of us struggle mentally and physically from the stressors of daily life. As a result, our sympathetic nervous systems go into overdrive and we become conditioned to operating in a constant state of "fight or flight." This heightened "fight or flight" state may cause us to experience poor sleep, anxiety, and lack of focus. Eventually, this may take its toll on us physically. 

The products we represent are designed to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and promote a  state of "rest and digest."  They are designed to help you slow down and recover mentally and physically, and bring balance back into your life.

Our products are simple, affordable, and designed to be easily integrated into your life. We welcome you to take a look and see if they make sense for you.